From when she first came on the scene, I didn't want to like her music.
My defiance said that all her music sounds the same.
That her tunes are stuck halfway between country and pop, and thus shouldn't be accepted and loved by fans of either genre. At least not to the degree that it has been.
But I just can't do it anymore.
Her newest song has taken my last bit of anti-Taylor resolve, melted it down, and added it to my musical affections in the same way that butter is added to red velvet cupcakes (and who can resist those?).
And yes, I can admit I got a little teary-eyed at that ending.
It's frustrating to get dumped.
That's an established and widely acknowledged fact.
But what about the way someone can feel towards a person that spurned their friend?
I bet you've seen and/or experienced that powerful spite in some form, haven't you?
I have, and here are two examples (one from each side of the spectrum):
Example #1: I'm the recipient
This girl *Lisa that always gives me crusty looks because I didn't keep dating her friend *Vivian.
Funny, because Vivian and I never even reached the hand-holding stage, let alone serious dating.
Lisa doesn't know why I didn't keep asking her friend out, and she likely never will.
But if she wants to be crusty, that's her choice. No skin off my nose.
Example #2: I'm the giver
My buddy *Chris was head-over-heels for a gal named *Jenny.
I don't know why they broke up, but I still kind of harbor negative feelings for her.
She's a fun, friendly girl, and fortunately I don't run into her very often anyway.
My choice is to be nice to her when I do run into her, even though I'm still a little bitter.
Turns out forgiveness isn't just for the people that were in the relationship.
Sometimes (often?) it's also for the friends and loved ones of those who broke up.
So I'm letting go my bothered feelings towards Jenny and others who've hurt my friends.
Man, I feel better already.
How about you? Any unnecessary vengeful feelings holding you down?
I encourage you to let them go. Isn't it about time?
*Names changed to protect both the innocent and not-so-innocent.
The Avett Brothers make great music, coupled with emotive lyrics.
And sometimes their words are perfectly appropriate for telling revenge-seeking movie characters that they shouldn't go killing more or getting locked up.
I really like this set of lines near the end:
Make sure my sister knows I loved her
Make sure my mother knows the same
Always remember there was nothing worth sharing
Like the love that let us share our name.
Beautiful poetry.
Remembering the love for a lost person is really what brings healing.
Don't forget that, revenge-seeking movie characters.
Well I had been delaying using it until I could take a great first picture with it.
I don't know why.
Guess I just thought it had to be some monumental (pardon the pre-meditated pun) event, like how a store has to open with a ribbon cutting and possibly a reception with éclairs (mmm, éclairs).
Anyway, I finally decided to just get it over with so I could use the camera on a more regular basis.
So I chose to take some pics of the Washington Monument.
This is the very first picture taken with my new D3100
While it isn't the greatest photo, it's a start.
And after fiddling with the settings and ~20 mins of unsuccessfully trying to get video for a project I'm working on (which I'll share with you when it's done in a few weeks), I snapped a few more shots.
My favorite of the second batch
They aren't anything phenomenal, but these pics mark a new era in my friend historian skills and general photography abilities. Let's hope it's a long, improvement-filled road from here!
Lately I've noticed a few types of waves that aren't done as often as they used to be.
The decline of all three makes me sad.
Let's all work together to bring them back. Wavers unite!
Passing other runners
Unless you're a super hardcore runner in the middle of your speed workout, you should wave hello.
You're not too cool to show solidarity for a fellow athlete. You just aren't.
If it helps motivate you to wave, feel free to consider raising your hand as an arm-toning move.
Sports games
Memories from my childhood fuel my sadness at the struggle to get sports fans to do the wave.
Going to BYU and UofU football games with my dad and brothers, we loved watching the phenomenon going around the stadium, and we excitedly popped up and flung our arms in the air.
I hope parents are still teaching kids to do this, because it's a grand tradition at games.
Waving at other cars
Oh, you just let me into your lane? Then I'll give you a courtesy wave.
Would you like to come into my driving lane? Sure, I'll wave to let you know that I acknowledge your coming over and that I'll give you plenty of space to do so.
Not something I learned in Driver's Ed class. My folks taught me this, and I'm grateful for that lesson.
Note: I'm not a super political guy. I have my political preferences, and I have friends that are extremely into politics (on all different sides of the issues and aisles). Due to its high humor factor, this merited sharing.
If you watch the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, then you saw this.
If not, you should take 9 minutes and watch the clip below.
He makes both hilarious and spot-on comments about Romney and Gingrich, and it makes for great TV.
Comedian Tucker Max said* that the majority of women fit into two of these categories:
I'd say he's right. Most girls only have two of these.
Fortunately, I've been lucky enough to have dated some girls that had all three when I met them.
Including my current gal, Emily (she's down to two now, since we're dating, and thus isn't single, right?).
Guys, if you find a girl with all three, and she even kinda likes you, don't hesitate.
Ask her out, keep asking her out, and don't shy away from some commitment.
The triple-threat girl is rare and her value should never be underestimated.
*Warning: though funny, a lot of his quotes contain adult topics and foul language.
Special theme for this week's Metallica Monday: Plants vs Zombies.
My brother Adam and my nephew Gunner introduced me to this game, and I'm hooked.
It's incredibly fun using plants of varying skills, defenses, and attacks to repel hundreds of zombies coming by land, air, and sea. Well, it's more swimming pool than sea, but that doesn't sound as cool.
Beyond the action of the game, the scenes between levels also have some great humor. For example:
So make sure you've got plenty of sunflowers so you can plant corn cob missile launchers and lots of spikeweeds, because if you don't, the zombies will eat your brains!
All these zombies reminded me of the song I chose for this edition of Metallica Monday:
Creeping Death I found this YouTube video where they dubbed the song over Ten Commandments clips, which is an extra bonus since this song was inspired by the Biblical account of Moses and the first Passover.
Great video with a great song, isn't it?
So watch out for the creeping death of the plagues and zombies this week!
Just wanted to give a quick birthday shout-out to my buddy, Marcus Lane, today.
We've been friends since we served our missions together for the LDS church.
2004 mission reunion: Marcus Lane is top row, 5th from the right (wearing horizontal stripes)
He's a funny guy and a blogger, too, who regularly shares entertaining stories and great pictures.
Plus, he loves Movember and ugly sweater parties and running and all sorts of other things like I do.
Except he has a wife and kid (soon to be plural... kids, not wives) to add to his bag of available blogging material. And believe me, that's a deep well of material, which I look forward to having someday.
Anyway, if you want to read his blog, you can [click here].
Probably best known for her hit song "At Last" (video below), Miss Peaches came on the scene in 1955 with her breakout song "The Wallflower".
Despite/through bouts of addiction, she's been performing ever since.
She even won 6 Grammys during her lifetime and earned a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
I won't attempt a comment with the clever use of "at last" being at peace or being able to rest "at last".
Her voice and music were/are too powerful for that sort of pithy punchline.
I've run a few times in my new KSO's, and there's definitely a difference.
Stabilizing muscles are getting used that aren't accustomed to being used while running.
This is a good thing, as I hope it will strengthen more of my leg and make me less susceptible to injury.
Don't worry, I'm easing into them, as I was instructed to do.
Honestly, I think my body will adapt to them long before my brain or pride does.
I've had a couple ongoing projects, but this was a quick one I hammered out a little while back. Literally.
During the most recent Thanksgiving trip to Philly, someone (we figure a drunk person) tried to pull my license plate off. They succeeded only in breaking the license plate cover and bending my plate.
I figured it was about time to straighten the plate, so I used a screwdriver to remove the plate (what the Philly person should have done). Neither a hammer nor pliers properly bent the metal without disfiguring it more in other areas. Eventually, due to its pliability, I decided my bare hands were the best option.
Worked pretty good, right? Not 100% back to its original shape, but close enough. Especially when I put the new BYU cover over it. (Thanks for the Christmas present, mom!)
Though just a little project, it feels good to have Mindy Mazda looking spiffy again.
Each Sabbath day, Christians around the world take the Sacrament/Communion.
This act reminds believers of the Savior's sacrifice for them and is a renewal of promises made.*
In my church (the LDS/Mormon Church), the Sacrament consists of bread and water.
Recently I joined a new congregation, and I was somewhat surprised to see this in the announcements:
Do you see that? Gluten-free sacrament is available! How cool is that?!
Not sure why I'd never thought of it, but surely there are some who need this and I'm glad the leadership here makes it available so that those people can fully participate in this important weekly ordinance.
*If you'd like to know more about Mormon beliefs regarding the Sacrament, you can [read here].
I was going to use bullet points and all kinds of explanations to describe why I love "The Big Bang Theory", CBS's comedy about four nerdy scientist friends and cool female neighbor Penny.
I was thinking about sports stars that were overshadowed by someone just a little bit better.
If not for the super-star, these guys would have owned their era, winning championships or tournaments or races all along the way. And their names would be the ones synonymous with excellence. Note: I'm not saying they aren't champions; they just didn't get the glory they would have received if not for their contemporary.
Here are a couple I've identified [tormentor in brackets]:
Karl Malone & John Stockton [Michael Jordan & Scottie Pippen]
The Utah Jazz stars played over 1,400 regular-season games together and went to the NBA Finals in two consecutive years. Unfortunately, Jordan and Pippen were waiting for them both times, and the pick-and-roll just wasn't enough to steal that elusive championship ring from the Bulls' clutches.
Jan Ullrich [Lance Armstrong]
Everyone knows who Lance Armstrong is. Pretty much only cyclists and cycling fans know who Jan Ullrich is. That's because Jan only won the Tour de France once (1997) prior to Lance taking the cycling world by storm and finishing in the yellow jersey 7 times in a row (1999-2005).
Phil Mickelson [Tiger Woods]
Yes, Phil has had a whole lot of success in his career, and he isn't done yet. Their rivalry has defined an era in golf, with most people remembering Tiger's ability to finish tournaments. On the flip side, Phil too often let leads slip away late in the weekend. Time remains for Phil to catch up, but at present Phil has 4 Major championships to Tiger's 14. Better get on it, Lefty.
Boston Red Sox [New York Yankees]
I have love for both teams, but you have to admit the Yankees have had more success when it really matters: the post-season and especially the World Series. Prior to Schilling's bloody sock in 2004, the Sox suffered an 86-year championship draught, during which the Bronx Bombers won 26 titles. Ouch.
Cameron Brown [Tim DeBoom & Peter Reid]
Outside of triathlete circles, not many people know of Cameron. At the Ironman Championships in Kona, HI, he took top 3 in 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2005, as well as two other top-10 finishes, but was never able to cross that line first. To his credit, Cameron has dominated Ironman New Zealand with 10 wins and 2 second-place finishes from 2000-2011.
All these poor guys/teams sadly had their incredible careers which happened to coincide with other guys/teams at a slightly higher peak. We still applaud their skills and accomplishments, but the rivalry didn't come out in their favor. Tough break, but that's the way sports are.
If you're on Twitter and don't already follow Ken Jennings, you're doing yourself a great disservice.
Not only did he dominate Jeopardy for 74 straight games and make $2.52 million in the process [source], but his Twitter feed is hilarious and hits a broad range of topics, from intellectual and political to inane and day-to-day. If you like my blog and/or my sense of humor, then I think you'd enjoy Ken's tweets.
My pre-ordered copy of John Green's new book arrived yesterday. Oh happy day!
As promised, and as documented in countless Vlogbrothers videos, the author signed it.
Turns out I wasn't lucky enough to receive one of Hank Green's Hanklerfish drawings, but that's okay. It was only a 5% chance. So there are 18 more people in my situation for every one person that got one.
Which means... we are the 95%. [Get it?!? It's kinda like those silly Occupy people!]
Anyway, I'm already into the book and it's really good so far. Yay for reading actual, physical books!
On that note, here's an awesome video with books:
And another video that has some books in it, but mainly I just think it's super cool:
When was the last time you had a full night of slow dancing?
Maybe you got in a few songs on New Years Eve, or perhaps at a recent wedding?
I just had a solid 3 hours of swaying to some chill beats.
My friends Patricia and Danielle hosted a Snow Ball yesterday, and the express goal of the night's activities was to promote socialization through slow dancing.
The Snow Ball's tag line? "Coordination is optional. Awkwardness is encouraged."
Emily and I were the early birds. In fact, we were the first non-hosts there.
Normally that might be kinda nerdy, but we quite enjoyed having the dance floor to ourselves.
Phil Collins set the mood for the evening
After a few songs, folks started showing up.
And they kept on showing up for several hours.
And everybody brought their slow dancing skills along. Oh yeah.
Eventually, it was so crowded that you could barely do turns and it was quite loud.
But no one minded, because we all were having fun socializing.
With cute girls like these in attendance, all decked out in their black-and-white stripes, it's all good.