March 20, 2012

Tim McGraw Tuesday: Better Than I Used to Be

So it's been (rightly) pointed out to me that yesterday's Metallica Monday post was a major downer.

It's how I felt, and I'm not sorry for sharing. This post isn't an apology; it's more of an addendum.

When things get rough, I often try looking for a positive spin to provide a little therapeutic comfort.
And looking back to lower points can put the current dip in a less-painful view.

Tim McGraw recently released a song that I can relate to, and it gives me hope that things will continue getting better, because they've sure been a lot worse than the current small troubles.
While I may have a long way to go before I'm where I want to be, thank goodness I've come as far as I have and learned from past experiences so I don't repeat those mistakes.
I've pinned a lot of demons to the ground
Got a few old habits left
But there's still one or two I might need you to help me get
Standing in the rain so long has left me with a little rust
But put some faith in me
And someday you'll see
There's a diamond under all this dust.
I ain't as good as I'm gonna get
But I'm better than I used to be.
Thanks for helping put things in perspective, Tim.


  1. One of my favorites off his new album. Definitely a great song.

  2. I haven't traditionally listened to country music, but these lyrics are amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Glad you gals liked it, and welcome to the dark side, Larissa! [maniacal laugh]


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