After the wildly successful Summer Soirée, I was hopeful there would be a similar party to celebrate the new season. Fortunately, I was right. Here are a few pics from the Fall Soirée, for your enjoyment.

With Seth, the head planner and host with the most.
Thanks for putting on such a fun event!

Everyone was supposed to wear red, yellow, or orange. Since I have red shorts, I had to sport them. And they happened to go extremely well with this quilt on the lawn.

Enjoying the pleasant evening with friends. What more could you ask for.
By the way, congrats to Justin on winning the pie-eating contest.

Hugging super-cute Becca. My life is complete.

More friends, and this is only a smidgen of the fun peeps that were in attendance for the festivities. A good time was definitely had by all.
Any chance for a Spring Soirée, Seth? I'll cross my fingers...
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