We've seen a lot of country concerts this summer, so it was fun for Jackie and me to attend the Rihanna and Ke$ha show. This wasn't the kind of concert that you tailgate for, so we didn't have to show up at Jiffy Lube Live as early in the day, and we wore a little nicer clothing than we have for the other concerts.

Ke$ha opened and showed why she's becoming a well-known performer. She had some pretty good dancers, some wild costumes, and moved all over the stage to keep the crowd involved.

As good as Ke$ha was, she was put to shame by Rihanna. Better voice, more polished performing skills, hotter costumes, and much more attuned to the audience and how to get us going. Big props like riding a tank don't hurt either. Plus, she just has a lot more great songs that we all could enjoy.

Well done, Rihanna and Ke$ha. Thanks for the wild night and brief respite from our country concerts.
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