January 7, 2008

Sunday Game Night

It was Sunday night, and there weren't any birthday parties, or dinners, or firesides, or other meetings. That means one thing in my mind: Sunday Game Night!

My roommates and I went to Meghan's house and we started in a spirited game of Settlers of Cataan (has there ever been a non-spirited game of Settlers, though?). Dustin and Anne enjoy a special brand of trash-talking during these games, partially fueled by Anne's newness to Settlers and Dustin's vast experience. Today, nobody was the victor, as we were distracted when the dessert goodies were finished in the next room and it was too late to finish the game by the time we all gathered back around the table.
Certainly I hope this will become a more frequent activity with our friends. Oh, and maybe we'll be able to finish the game on some nights. That would be nice, too :)

The President's Award

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