October 5, 2007

New Apartment and New Roommates

Not much to look at, nothing posh: So there isn't a whole lot to my new place, but it'll be my home for the next while. Just got here and you'd think that my roommates had just shown up, too. Except they've been here for over 3 weeks.

Knee football, anyone?

Yes, that's a double-tall, queen-sized air mattress
Mmm, yummy food with the new crew: To celebrate our new apartment, we decided to go out for a roommate dinner before going to Oktoberfest (LDS style, of course; plenty of root beer). No better way to build camaraderie than steak and root beer. [insert manly grunts here]

Pat is practicing his face for the family photo, I hope

Out of 5 photos, this was the only one where Dustin and Jason were both looking

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