April 13, 2012

Flashback Friday: Early Childhood Bedtime Books

My siblings and I loved having our mom (and sometimes dad) read to us at bedtime.

Here are a few that still stand out in my mind as the very best reads from my youth.

Shel Silverstein
He wrote some fantastic poems for his A Light in the Attic book, including the 'Quick-Digesting Gink' which I recited for several poem-sharing assignments. The Giving Tree is also one of his most famous works, and its film is embedded herein.
Dr Seuss
There are so many great Dr Seuss books, but I believe the Smyth favorite was The Sneetches and Other Stories, which included 'Too Many Daves', 'What Was I Scared Of?' (a.k.a. the pale-green pants story), and, of course, 'The Sneetches'.
Strega Nona by Tomie de Paola
I know I mentioned this one in my birthday post to my mom last year, but it deserves repeating, because it's a family favorite.
Calvin and Hobbes
Yes, this came a little later on, but few comic strips or books of comic strips can rival the genius and hilarity of Calvin and Hobbes. I've included a couple, but you can see plenty more [here].
Taught me to 'fake it til I make it'.
Taught me proper TV-watching form.
Those were simpler nights and I miss that simplicity.

What books/series did your mom or dad read to you as a child?

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