August 23, 2011

Shake, Rattle, and Roll

Big day! Today I experienced my first earthquake!

It measured 5.8 on the Richter scale, and its epicenter was about 40 miles northwest of Richmond, VA. [source] The big effect for me was everyone being evacuated from our office and having to wait outside for about 45 minutes while they checked the building for cracks.

I hear the Smithsonian castle and the Washington Monument sustained damage. Only a couple little things on my shelves had fallen over, and nothing broke. To get an idea of what I've been through, here is a picture conveying today's destruction:
I'm glad there was little damage, few (if any) injuries, and that we can all have a laugh about it. And now I can check "be in earthquake" off my bucket list!

Destino: Dali + Disney

What do you get when you mix Dali's melting clocks with Disney's animation?
Conceived almost 60 years ago, but production stalled due to Disney budget constraints. The project was revived in 1999 and premiered at the New York Film Festival in 2003. [source]

Need more proof that unlikely collaborations can result in the creation of pretty cool stuff?

Here's a sweet performance by Yo-Yo Ma and dancer Lil Buck.
I'm also a big fan of musicians who reach across the boundaries of their genre.
You all know I love Metallica, so S&M with the San Francisco Orchestra is a fave.
Eminem working with Elton John on "Stan" comes to mind, as does the classic "Walk This Way" by Run DMC and Aerosmith.
Oh, and word on the street is that Q-Tip (from A Tribe Called Quest, remember them?) has an album with Norah Jones coming out in October. Intriguing. [source]

So what collaborations, music or otherwise, would you like to see?

August 22, 2011

Norm Nemrow, BYU Accounting Legend, Retires

Last night I received my Summer 2011 edition of the BYU School of Accountancy newsletter.
The front page had a title that brought back a flood of memories from my days in the Tanner Building.
Professor Norm Nemrow has retired.

If you've never heard of Norm, he's kind of a modern-day legend on BYU campus.
He created and stars in the Accounting 200 (Intro to Accounting: The Language of Business) class CDs. That means anyone who does a major or minor in business or decides to take the course as an elective--no idea why anyone would do that--has spent hours and hours looking at Norm's face and hearing his voice expound on the basics of accounting.

Pretty much, if someone on BYU campus is focusing intently on their computer, there are four possible explanations:
  1. Perusing the Facebook photo albums of their current co-ed crush,
  2. Checking out Jimmer Fredette highlights,
  3. Shopping for both modest Shade Clothing and the sexiest Victoria's Secret bikini available,
  4. Or watching Norm (hopefully on between 1.5-2.0 speed).
Best of luck to Norm as he goes forward into retirement. His legend will live on (at least as long as Accounting 200 uses his CDs).

A Job You Can Count On

Right now it's hard for people to find jobs.
The seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate is hovering around 9%. [source]

That's scary.

Especially for people who have families and mortgages and are struggling to make ends meet and put food on the table.
While I hope and pray for those people, it also makes me extra grateful to work in a field that has enjoyed security, even through economic downturns.

I'm an accountant.
Normal Rockwell's "CPA (Daydreaming Bookkeeper)"
Saturday Evening Post, 1924

It's not glamorous, that's for sure.
But it's safe and secure, which isn't easy to come by these days.

And according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, accounting is currently the best field to be in for seeking a job. [source]

So I'll take my green eyeshade stereotype along with a steady paycheck, and I'll continue forward.

August 16, 2011

Saint Elizabeth's Birthday

[Sorry, mom. This post is long overdue and back-dated.]

Many of you have been fortunate enough to meet my mother.
If you have, you've felt of her caring and selfless spirit.

Some of you have been privileged to eat her delicious cookies, or pies, or strawberry salads, or mac & cheese, or any of a thousand other tasty foods she whips up.

She's always been there for me, my family, and my friends. Over the years, she's given of her time and talents to a veritable plethora of organizations and activities, from being Relief Society president to PTA president to Cub Scout den mother to tee-ball coach and many, many more.

Talented beyond measure, she chose to put her skills and knowledge to use in our home and enriching the lives of everyone she came in contact with. I'm fairly certain she's earned her sainthood already, so I'll just ask the pope to fast-track that...

Happy birthday, mom! I love you so much!

Here are a couple pics that make me (and I suspect many other people) smile:
Gettin' hitched to my pops.
Rockin' the Farrah Fawcett hair. I'm the happy little guy she's consoling. 
Mom would have done just fine on the prairie. She knows how to get things done.

And here's one of my favorite books that she used to read to us before bedtime:
Strega Nona by Tomie de Paola:

And you can bet my mom does the voices waaaaaaaay better than that narrator.

August 13, 2011

Mmm, Squeaky Cheese

I don't buy cheese curds very often, but I saw these today at the farmer's market and I had to.

They remind me of family trips to Yellowstone, and Coeur d'Alene, and Grandma's house in Montana, and how we'd stop in Cache Valley, UT, to buy squeaky cheese.

Thanks, mom and dad, for these types of small traditions that I'll always remember fondly.

August 10, 2011

White Dancing Stereotype

It's joyous, infectious videos like this that reinforce the stereotype of white people not being able to dance:
Mock if you'd like, but the dude is having a grand old time and he doesn't care who knows it.
Major props for self-confidence.

PS Sometimes I feel like this is what I look like dancing. If you are a first-hand witness, please confirm or deny.

August 9, 2011

My ScanLife Barcode

After reading my ScanLife blogpost, my friend Larissa suggested that I make my own barcode to link to my blog.

I'm moderately tech-savvy, so I did.
Feel free to try it out (though it just links back to my blog so keep your expectations low).
If I put it on a t-shirt or poster or share it in other ways, the effect will be better.

PS Jealous of my barcode? Get your own at ScanLife's webpage.

Barcodes: Not Just for Shopping Anymore

Are you all seeing these barcode things all over the place, or is it just me?
The first one I noticed was a couple months ago at the Ground Zero Memorial in NYC.
Now I'm seeing them everywhere.
Apparently, you use an app on your smartphone (I have ScanLife) and this barcode takes you to some related webpage.

My raisins barcode above leads to a Sun-Maid-sponsored page for Kung Fu Panda 2.
Hey, I never said the technology was always worth your time.

August 7, 2011

RIP Susie Subaru, Hello Mindy Mazda

Yes, the tragedy finally occurred. Susie the Subaru passed away, wheezing and sputtering in her dying breaths.
Her sickness started in May. You can read about that ordeal here.
Things seemed mostly back to normal, although I could tell she didn't have her usual spunk anymore. Acceleration was a little harder and inconsistent. But the old girl kept on truckin', until she finally couldn't go any further.
Cue AAA to the rescue... again.
After a full week in the shop with mechanics doing everything they could revive her, Susie Subaru was pronounced deceased at ~6:30 pm on Friday, August 5, 2011.
A 1999 model, she'd been mine since 2002, and she will be missed dearly.
As much as I'd like to attempt a car-less lifestyle, taking the metro to work up in North Bethesda every day would be a nightmare. And riding my bike in DC's summer heat and winter cold just isn't feasible. Which means I had to buy a car. Pronto.
On Saturday morning, my good friend Shandi gave me a ride to Koons Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram in Tysons Corner, VA.
Lucky for me, I have a friend that works there. Betsy was very helpful, and within a couple hours I was filling out the paperwork for this beautiful blue 2007 Mazda Speed3.
Welcome to the family, Mindy Mazda!
Mindy, me, and Betsy
If you're looking to buy a car anytime soon, let me know and I'd be happy to put you in contact with Betsy. There are a bunch of Koons dealerships, so she can definitely help you find whatever you're looking for.
Now who wants to go for a spin in my sweet new ride?!?

August 6, 2011

Phineas and Ferb: The Movie

Have you ever watched the show "Phineas and Ferb"? No?!? Well, you're missing out, my friend.

Perhaps you dismiss the show because it's on the Disney channel and you've been boycotting Disney ever since the abomination "That's So Raven" premiered. While that's a valid reason, it's time to come back and enjoy for yourself the intelligent humor of "Phineas and Ferb".

I don't watch every episode, but when I do I enjoy it. The show uses a mix of cartoon animation that appeals to both kids and adults, clever song-writing, and smart references to topics that adults will get (and most likely go right over kids' heads). Reminds me of the Shrek movies a little bit.

For example, last night I watched the new "Phineas and Ferb: The Movie" and it included references to Handel, the "Wolverines!" victory yell from Red Dawn, Kierkegaard and existentialism, alternate dimension time-travel, and Slash from Guns N' Roses.

And here are some songs from the show:

Give the show a chance, and let me know what you think in the comments.

August 1, 2011

Metallica Monday: Until It Sleeps & All Nightmare Long

My sleeping schedule is all jacked up these days. Changing time zones doesn't help, but I've been struggling for a while now. Last night, I didn't get to sleep until about 4:30 am and had to be up at 7:30 so I could get to work. With this in mind, I've picked a two-pack of sleep-related Metallica titles for ya.

"Until It Sleeps"

Insomnia is terrible. My hope is that few of you know what I'm experiencing. Those of you who can commiserate with me know all too well that insomnia robs you of both physical energy and clear thinking. So far, I've shunned medicinal treatment, but my resolve is weakening with each additional sleep-deprived night.

"All Nightmare Long"
For now, I say carry on, fellow zombies. And let's all get some shuteye sooner rather than later.